




The number of 11 NNCT students will held Android Line Following Robot contest with TNI students in Thailand. Thailand is called by "Land of Smail (^_^)".  It will take 7 or 8 hour from Japan by airplane. TNI and NNCT have hold the contests from last year. The detail of the contest is a time race of line trace using AFR machine, which is made by a mobile phone, a microcomputer which is communicating between the mobile phone and the microcomputer by a wireless bluetooth protocol and a motor controller circuit. Most of the students have been studied the computer programming by NNCT calculam but they have never build an application of mobile phone.  They started this project from the first week of August. There are many task for this project as following. Tasks are the construction of the Development Environment for Android and Arudino, the establish of communication between a mobile phone and a microcomputer, the control methods for PWM and  PID and making a special original machine for AFR. Three teams will challenge for the contest. Some parts of the machine were made by 3D printer.      They will leave Thiland next week!